Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Gerrish Financial’s Code of Ethics

Gerrish Financial has adopted a code of ethics that sets forth the basic policies of ethical conduct for all associated persons of the firm. We accept the obligation not only to comply with the mandates and requirements of all applicable laws and regulation, but also to take responsibility to act in an ethical and professionally responsible manner in all professional services and activities.

Conflicts of Interest

Gerrish Financial LLC seeks to avoid material conflicts of interest. Accordingly, neither Gerrish Financial LLC nor its investment adviser representatives receive any third party direct monetary compensation (i.e., commissions, 12b‐1 fees, or other fees), additional services (e.g, educational conferences), or non‐direct monetary or other forms of compensation (e.g., entertainment events) from brokerage firms (custodians) or mutual fund companies.

Although Gerrish Financial LLC believes that its business methodologies, ethics rules, and adopted practices are appropriate to eliminate, or at least minimize, potential material conflicts of interest, and to appropriately manage any material conflicts of interest that may remain, clients should be aware that no set of rules can possibly anticipate or relieve all potential material conflicts of interest.

In addition to our firms Code of Ethics, we have also adopted the seven principles as defined by the CFP® Board listed below.

CFP® Boards Code of Ethics

Principle 1 – Integrity: Provide professional services with integrity.

Integrity demands honesty and candor which must not be subordinated to personal gain and advantage. Certificants are placed in positions of trust by clients, and the ultimate source of that trust is the certificant’s personal integrity. Allowance can be made for innocent error and legitimate differences of opinion, but integrity cannot co-exist with deceit or subordination of one’s principles.

Principle 2 – Objectivity: Provide professional services objectively.

Objectivity requires intellectual honesty and impartiality. Regardless of the particular service rendered or the capacity in which a certificant functions, certificants should protect the integrity of their work, maintain objectivity and avoid subordination of their judgment.

Principle 3 – Competence: Maintain the knowledge and skill necessary to provide professional services competently.

Competence means attaining and maintaining an adequate level of knowledge and skill, and application of that knowledge and skill in providing services to clients. Competence also includes the wisdom to recognize the limitations of that knowledge and when consultation with other professionals is appropriate or referral to other professionals necessary. Certificants make a continuing commitment to learning and professional improvement.

Principle 4 – Fairness: Be fair and reasonable in all professional relationships. Disclose conflicts of interest.

Fairness requires impartiality, intellectual honesty and disclosure of material conflicts of interest. It involves a subordination of one’s own feelings, prejudices and desires so as to achieve a proper balance of conflicting interests. Fairness is treating others in the same fashion that you would want to be treated.

Principle 5 – Confidentiality: Protect the confidentiality of all client information.

Confidentiality means ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. A relationship of trust and confidence with the client can only be built upon the understanding that the client’s information will remain confidential.

Principle 6 – Professionalism: Act in a manner that demonstrates exemplary professional conduct.

Professionalism requires behaving with dignity and courtesy to clients, fellow professionals, and others in business-related activities. Certificants cooperate with fellow certificants to enhance and maintain the profession’s public image and improve the quality of services.

Principle 7 – Diligence: Provide professional services diligently.

Diligence is the provision of services in a reasonably prompt and thorough manner, including the proper planning for, and supervision of, the rendering of professional services.

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